Equity Spectators
Welcome to The ChangeMaker Foundation blog. We invite you to share in our analysis of enterprises, projects, and initiatives as well as discuss best practices and case studies. Whether you want to address solutions or problems, we want to learn about your experiences and perspectives. Join the conversation!
BirdsCaribbean: a pivot of environmental conservation in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean
Mentoring is an effective way of promoting inclusive education.
The ChangeMaker Foundation releases an audiovisual to explain digital equity
Presentan los “Derechos de las mujeres y la filantropía en las Américas”
Pandemia, Economía Colaborativa y Filantropía
ChangeMaker Foundation: Promoting Social Entrepreneurship through Data Culture
Jangueo cultural entre lectores: primera feria del libro en Barranquitas
Boricuas prove their leadership
A book review of Pivots: Agents of Change Taking Action (Spanish Edition)
Visual Culture: from the lens of equity
Communities Transforming Trauma
Let's talk about Gender & Philanthropy
Urgen datos cuantificables entre las OSFL
Lets Get Loud: fractal para detener la pandemia
Pivotar desde el emprendimiento social
Corporate philanthropy: A higher level of social responsibility?
Algunas Claves para el Éxito con Donantes
¿No hay una guía para la propuesta? ¡No hay problema!
Orientación Empresarial en las Organizaciones Sin Fines de Lucro (OSFL)